Sunday, December 20, 2009

Madame 45, BOTUS, and Twitter...oh my!

Earlier this weekend, Madame decided to share more of her thoughts about "climate change" using BOTUS. Boy, did she say a lot with the 140 character limit of Twitter:
Copenhgen=arrogance of man2think we can change nature's ways.MUST b good stewards of God's earth,but arrogant&naive2say man overpwers nature

How many people can get media coverage simply because of a tweet?

Madame recognizes that God is in charge and the Great Opologizer seems to think he is...well you know.

Madame has another book signing here in Wasilla on Tuesday!


Patrick S. Adams said...

The Softy Southpaws sure get themselves into such a tizzy, even if just over a tweet or a visor!

Unknown said...

Not to mention their knickers which seem to easily twist!