As I was surfing today, I noticed a clip from Joyless Behar's show. She was talking about Madame and her book. Apparently, Joyless thinks that Madame's supporters don't read! Does Joyless think that Madame's supporters (all of us!) are using Going Rogue to prop up your coffee table or for use as a door stop?
Oh well. Who knows how many of Joyless's five viewers actually read?
On Independence Day, We Must Be Mindful
8 years ago
Sorry LOTUS, the screechy voice of Joyless is just too much for late night. In fact, when channel surfing, if I come across her mug on the screen, I immediately hit the "mute" button. She's disgusting.
You mean she has 5 viewers? I didn't know that. I didn't know she had any viewers at all.
I've never even heard of this less-than-joyful person. Maybe she is projecting a little?
Yes, 39, I'm guessing Joyless is good for one season...then we'll hear how it was just too much for her schedule, etc., etc, etc.
She must be a miserable person, just like the rest of the obama followers. They are so unhappy that they try as hard as they may to make everyone around them feel just as gloomy. This woman is pathetic, I couldn't listen to her even if they paid me. I would rather do without.
I can't imagine anybody watching that program.
How many its watchers read? Who cares?
As an airline pilot, I have had many well know people on my airplane. I once had Sandra Bernhart on and, this is hard to believe, she is waaay uglier in person!
Joyless, SandraB and Wanda are as ugly inside as they are outside. One can only hope that everything they say and portray about Madame will be visited upon them 10 fold.
I had to laugh when that one woman (I don't know her name, nor do I care) said "They like to look at the pictures. There's only one on the cover, but they like to look at it." If these dimwits actually even knew anything about Sarah's book - they would know there are 2 sections in the book with photos on them. No, they just want to make Sarah's supporters look like idiots. What they don't know is that they end up looking like idiots themselves.
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